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Excellent, I would recommend.    Extremely Professional.   It was like having your own advisor, twenty four seven..

Cindy T.  

Naples, FL

I would recommend Cornerstone.  They were inexpensive, easy, cooperative and exceedingly helpful dealing with my issues in a timely fashion.    

Chris B.  

S. Charleston,OH


I was highly skeptical of this online program and to say I'm cynical is an understatement. So, although I was hoping for the best I was prepared for this to be a scam that the court would not accept. After completing the fairly extensive questionnaire and an interview, I am pleased to report it not only is not a scam but it was very fair and a very accurate assessment. I expected it to be one of those tests that no matter how you answered, it was designed to make me fail. Not only was I wrong about the assessment, but my counselor was great too! It satisfied the court requirements and didn't cost $300.00 or more. I'd recommend this program to anyone without even a moment of hesitation. As a matter of fact, if you are required to take an assessment and you don't choose Cornerstone, you're taking your chances and throwing hard earned money away..

Jim H.

Atlanta, GA

Excellent Service!  Thumbs up. I usually do not ever comment on these things, but I was skeptical to say the least.  They wanted $350 bucks for this same service in my area.  I had no problems with this evaluation at all.  It was really easy, sign up, fill out easy paperwork they even give you a small checklist of things you need.., then they did the rest.  Had it back in less than 48 hrs.!! brought it to court and that was all they said I needed. I was very pleased. Call them and just talk, you can tell right away they know what their doin...  

John J. 

Grand Forks, ND

2010 - present

Thumbs up- this is so easy, Ms. Cassie and Ms. Pam are awesome.  They answer all your questions and get back to you rite awy.  not like these others I called.  I felt very good after talking with them, takes the pressure off this nightmare... Judge just looked at it and said OK.. Don't drink and drive EVER

Robyn, V

Pittsburgh, PA

2010 - present

A Double thumbs up, EXCELLENT,  I did the Anger Management.  Totally easy and you get your court certificate right away.  My attorney told me about this place. It was $79 and it took me only 2 hrs.  Got my certificate and then they sent one to my probation.  Judge saw my certificate and said case dismissed

Scott H.

Atlanta, GA

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Excellent, you won't be sorry, Definitely thumbs up!

Regina L

Dubuque, IA

Easy, fast, cheap, it's very good.  I did mine by phone.  Had to fill out some paper work.  Mainly just circle yes or no answers.  I did one of these before somewhere else it was expensive and they dragged it out, but this place did the same thing but it was so much quicker and people were cool, I recomment.


Cinn, OH

I give this place a thumbs up as it is great, Matt was very friendly and answered all my questions.  My friend told me about this place said it cheaper and faster.  If you have a DUI from another state that doesn't show up, the courts will have it, so don't bull ***** ,you gotta pay to re-do it, my friend did.

John T.. Sacramento, CA

Very good service all in all, thumbs up

Jennifer M, Orange County, CA

Yes this deserves a thumbs up.  My experience was very good, my lawyer sent me here and said I would have no problems and everything is good with their programs. It was very easy, I recomend.,

Ron M. Lincoln, NE

Thank you so much, I appreciate everything you have done. You are a truly amazing lady and you've helped a lot more than you will ever know. You are one of the 4 people that have helped us, listened, no judgment and actually heard what we were saying and what we are going through. Support is something I didn't understand you need in your life until I needed someone to be there and quickly learned who actually ever really cared about my children and me. You have been so amazing and have gone above and beyond what 98% of people would have ever even thought of doing for us..Thank you for everything, having someone stick up for us has given back some confidence and hope :)


Shaina C.

N. Dakota 

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  • Department of Transportation Substance Abuse Professionals

  • Department of Health and Human Services Certified

  • DASA Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse

  • Internat'l Credential & Reciprosity Consortium

  • Alcohol and Other Drug Association

  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association

  • National Association of Addiction Professionals

  • Governor's Highway Safety Administration

  • Professional Christian Counseling and Coaching Association

  • Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Associates

  • Email Address:



  • DOT-SAP Services: FMCSA, FTA, FAA, FRA, 


  • DASA - DUI / DWI Service Provider 

  • IC&RC Program Provider #804150




  • GHSA


  • Anderson & Anderson Anger Mgmt.

  • Cornerstone Recovery Coaching LLC

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